Vision Innovation, a leading nurtured enterprise in the Cheonan-Asan Innopolis of Chungnam, South Korea(with the Korea Automotive Technology Institute as the core technology institution) and a company focused on developing gas removal systems, is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) plastics to drive carbon reduction and optimize the injection molding process. Founded in July 2021 by CEO Kang Hyeon-sik (35), the company specializes in manufacturing injection molding machine nozzles with innovative solutions like the Vision Nozzle. CEO Kang stated, "Vision Innovation is a young manufacturing company, built on 10 years of experience, and we are developing a Vision Nozzle system that utilizes AI to pre-remove gas during the plastic injection molding process.“

The Vision Nozzle: Solving Key Industry Challenges

During the injection molding process, gas and moisture present in the raw material or generated during melting can cause defects in the final molded products. Gas trapped inside the molded product often leads to reduced mechanical properties and visible defects, such as gas marks, which result in costly post-processing issues like plating and painting defects. Vision Innovation's Vision Nozzle solves these problems by effectively capturing and removing the gas before it impacts product quality.

The Vision Nozzle, designed for universal use across injection molding machines, is equipped with a connected controller that includes a gas analysis and data collection board. This system allows real-time data collection and analysis, which is used to set production standards, diagnose abnormalities, and implement AI-based solutions. By controlling the production process through data, the system enables automation and enhances product quality.

CEO Kang explained, "The gas emitted during the melting of raw materials, primarily carbon-based, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Our technology addresses these issues while also improving the quality of injection-molded products, particularly in industries like automotive manufacturing. Additionally, our system helps reduce costs by extending the usability of recycled materials and minimizing defects caused by gas.“

A Unique Competitive Advantage in the Market
CEO Kang emphasized that Vision Innovation's products are unmatched in the market. "There are products that mix molten resin, but nothing as comprehensive as our Vision Nozzle system, which focuses on gas and moisture removal to improve the injection molding process. Our solution boosts the competitiveness of molded products by enhancing the process and reducing costs. The Vision Nozzle can be installed on any injection molding machine, eliminating the need to purchase new equipment.“

The system not only automates the process but also reduces the workload for workers by analyzing gas, temperature, and pressure data through AI. Controllers can be connected across machines, allowing for remote monitoring of injection molding operations from a single screen without the need for onsite visits.

Global Expansion and Future Goals

Vision Innovation is preparing to enter the Vietnamese market with a 3,000-ton super-large injection molding machine. The company is also collaborating with domestic partners such as Kyungsin Electric Wire and Nara Mtech to further expand product applications. CEO Kang added, "As we commercialize our technology, we are focused on ensuring product reliability, recruiting technical personnel, and attracting investment to scale our manufacturing capabilities.“

Looking to the future, Vision Innovation aims to expand the pre-gas removal system into a comprehensive smart factory solution. With a current team of 12 employees across research, production, management, and quality departments, the company is working toward global market recognition by continually adapting its products to meet customer needs.

CEO Kang concluded, "Our goal is to secure technological scalability and deliver solutions that satisfy customer demands, ultimately establishing Vision Innovation as a leader in the global market."

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